Cluster Development Programme (CDP)

The CDP focuses on development of weavers' groups as a visible entity, so that the groups become self-sustainable. The quantum of assistance for each cluster would be need based, depending on the requirement of the cluster. Maximum permissible GoI financial assistance is upto Rs. 2.00 crore per cluster. Duration of implementation of the project is 3 years from the date sanction of 1st installment.

Components of CDP are supply of Hathkargha Samvardhan Sahayata (HSS) items (looms/accessories), lighting units, construction of work-sheds, engagement of designer, product development etc. on need basis inside/outside the sanctioned BLCs.

Skill up-gradation programmes in weaving, dyeing, designing etc. in the clusters shall be conducted under SAMARTH (Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector) only as per its guidelines.