The NHDP is an attempt to facilitate the sustainable development of handloom weavers located in and outside identified handloom clusters into a cohesive, self managing and competitive socio-economic unit.
NHDP has been formulated for its implementation during financial year 2021-22 to 2025-26. The scheme will follow need-based approach for integrated and holistic development of handlooms and welfare of handloom weavers. The scheme will support weavers, both within and outside the cooperative fold including Self Help Groups etc. towards raw material, design inputs, technology upgradation, marketing support through exhibitions, create permanent infrastructure in the form of Urban Haats, marketing complexes etc.
Components :-
A. Cluster Development Programme (CDP)
B. Handloom Marketing Assistance with special emphasis on uncovered & talented weavers.
C. Infrastructure & Special Projects including Indian Institutes of Handloom Technology (IIHT)-related projects
D. Mega Handloom Cluster
E. Concessional Credit/Weavers' MUDRA Loan
F. Handloom Weavers' Welfare
G. Miscellaneous Components
I. Research & Development projects
II. Handloom Census
III. Publicity, Advertisement, Monitoring, Training & Evaluation of Scheme
IV. Education of weavers/their wards through National Institutes of Open Schooling (NIOS)/IGNOU
V. Project Monitoring Cell,
VI. Handloom Helpline Centre
VII. Earlier committed liabilities of NHDP, HWCWS, CHCDS, NERTPS etc.
H. Any other component